Our Vision:

Our Non Governmental Organisation is a network of Beninese citizens, living in Benin and abroad. We believe that WE are the key to our country's development and that WE as individual are all major players. In the operation of our NGO we target the Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations.

What we aim at the Millennium Development Goals:

Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

through actions targeting people living in villages, by acquiring machines that enable them to increase foodstuff production.

educational sponsoring, scool rehabilitation, school equipment donation.

essentialy through microcredit to small-scale businesses run by women

improvement of water quality so drinking does not lead to diarrhea 


through assistance to clinics in villages, the building of clean sanitation.


mosquito net donations to people living in villages in order to prevent malaria.


building of ecological dry sanitation, transofrmation of feces/urine into fertilizer.


global partnerships with european students associations for instance, in order to build strong links between people around the world.