Microcredit in partnership with "BAse Villageoise d’Epargne et de Crédit" in Houégbo:
- 1500 women suscribed
- Financing for two women's group (Gbenonkpo and Caddaitchedohotcheme)
- Mostly activities related with foodstuff trade, for instance maize, cassava and palm oil.
Microcredit for associations in Djibio:
Djibio is a small town in Houeyogbe District. Men and women work together as farmers. Their work is organised in associations (Amegnon, Gbewa, Nouwadokpo and Havivi).
There are two main activities: processing cassava into gari, donuts, bread and tapioca and maize storage for lean periods.
We work with those associations by lending microcredit to help them increase production through machinery, that makes the job less physical.
Microfinance for women in AFEDEB association in Ouidah
We work with "Association des Femmes pour le Développement à la Base", which is based in Ekpe in the Ouidah district. In partnership with Projet VI we run microcredit activities aiming at devleoping women's businesses.